Anchor Placement Fundamentals
Correct Anchor placement is the foundation for ensuring that your positioning system is operating as expected. Failing to adhere to the requirements outlined in this article will result in the system not functioning properly.
The Rule of 4
ZeroKey’s positioning system requires that a Mobile maintains a continuous line of sight to at least 4 Anchors at all times. This requirement, known as the Rule of 4, should be the primary consideration when planning your Anchor installation.
Each ZeroKey Mobile transmits an ultrasonic pulse that is detected by nearby Anchors. When the Mobile is blocked and the line of sight is broken, its position becomes less reliable.

If the ultrasonic pulse from the Mobile is detected by more than 4 Anchors, it adds redundancy to the position update, allowing the system to report the Mobile’s location with greater confidence. Installing Anchors to maintain a continuous line of sight from at least 4 Anchors ensures consistent and reliable position updates.

RULE OF 4: A continuous line of sight from the Mobile to 4 Anchors is required at all times to maintain positioning.
Prioritize High Placement with a Clear Line of Sight (LOS)
When installing Anchors, choose elevated locations that provide a clear line of sight to the tracked space. This reduces blockages and ensures an unobstructed line of sight between the Mobile and Anchors.
Increase Anchor Density
In environments where obstacles block the line of sight to the Mobile, increase the number of Anchors to compensate for limited visibility. Consider placing Anchors on the obstacles themselves to help maintain a clear line of sight to the Mobile.
Spatial Diversity
Enhancing positioning performance relies on diversifying the Anchor layout. A varied Anchor placement eliminates mathematical ambiguity during the calibration and positioning process, leading to highly accurate Mobile position tracking.
Vary the height of at least one Anchor by 50 cm.
Do not install Anchors in long, straight lines. Instead, stagger their positions to increase spatial diversity.
Leverage Hardware Features
ZeroKey’s Power over Ethernet (PoE) and Universal Anchor mounts are designed to direct coverage toward the tracked space. This added functionality helps improve coverage in areas that need extra attention.
PoE Anchors are equipped with a rotatable transducer that should be pointed towards the area of interest by applying light pressure on the blue ring around the transducer.

Universal Anchors can be installed using adjustable mounts, allowing you to angle the Anchor towards the tracked space.