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Port Numbers and the ZeroKey API

A port number is a number assigned to identify a connection endpoint and is used to direct data to a specific service. When integrating with the ZeroKey API it is essential to know which port numbers are used for specific functions. This help article provides information about the port numbers that are used in the ZeroKey API for secure and non-secure communication, MQTT messaging, and Dashboard access.

Key Port Numbers for the ZeroKey API

The following port numbers are used in the ZeroKey system, enabling communication between devices, services and client applications.


Event Hub SignalR Ports

  1. Port 33001 – SignalR Event Hub (Non-secure)

  • Handles non-secure HTTP connections for Event Hub communication using SignalR.

  • Example: http://{API Host}:33001/hubs/eventHub


  1. Port 33000 – SignalR Event Hub (Secure)

  • Handles secure HTTPS connections for Event Hub communication using SignalR.

  • Example: https://{API Host}:33000/hubs/eventHub


ZeroKey API Ports

  1. Port 5000 – ZeroKey API (Secure)

  • Non-secure HTTP communication with ZeroKey API endpoints.

  • Example: http://{API Host}:5000/v3/{Endpoint Here}


  1. Port 5001 – ZeroKey API (Secure)

  • Secure HTTPS communication with ZeroKey API endpoints.

  • Example: https://{API Host}:5001/v3/{Endpoint Here}


MQTT Ports

  1. Port 1883 – MQTT (Non-secure)

  • Handles non-secure communication for MQTT protocol, used for real-time data messaging.


  1. Port 8883 – MQTT over TLS (Secure)

  • Handles secure communication for MQTT protocol using TLS encryption for real-time data.

NOTE: ZeroKey does not limit port numbers, and the user can choose any port as it aligns with MQTT protocols.


Dashboard Login Port

  1. Port 11000 – Dashboard Login

  • Used for HTTP connection to access the ZeroKey Dashboard login page.

  • Example: http://{API Host}:11000/Login

NOTE: If the ECD is connected to the internet, you can use the cloud address instead of IP address to access the dashboard.

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