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Configure the Ethernet Ports on the Edge Compute Device (ECD)

Establish a connection between the ZeroKey Edge Compute Device (ECD) and a company network using basic network configuration in the ZeroKey dashboard. Proper setup ensures efficient management and network continuity.


Dashboard Log In

Before starting your ECD network configuration, log in to the dashboard. For more information about logging in, visit our help article Logging into the ZeroKey Dashboard.

Network Settings Menu

 Access all ECD Network Settings under the System tab in the dashboard.

Ethernet Ports

The ethernet ports are located on the backside of the ECD. In the dashboard the Ethernet Port menu allows you to configure each port:

Standard Ethernet Port: This port is reserved for the company network connection.

Ethernet Port 2.5G: This port is reserved for the ZeroKey Anchor network connection.

Network Configuration

DHCP Mode: Automatically assigns IP addresses and subnet masks via the DHCP server (usually the router). This makes DHCP Mode ideal for environments that require dynamic IP allocation.

Static Mode: This mode requires that you manually input an IP address and subnet mask according to the network’s requirements. This makes Static Mode useful for networks with fixed IP address ranges.

Recommended Settings

Standard Ethernet Port: Set to DHCP mode for a dynamic IP assignment when connected to the company network.

Ethernet Port 2.5G: Configure as the DHCP server with a static IP to manage local devices, allowing connected devices (e.g., PoE Anchors) to automatically receive IP addresses. Ensure the assigned IP is not the same as the company network.



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