Logging into the ZeroKey Dashboard
You can log into the ZeroKey dashboard once connected to the Edge Compute Device (ECD) by following these steps. For more information on getting the ECD’s IP address, refer to our help article Getting the IP Address of your ECD.
Open a Browser
First, open Google Chrome, as we recommend this browser for optimal system performance.
Then, navigate to the ZeroKey dashboard log-in page by entering the IP address of your ECD followed by the port number :11000. For example, if the IP address is, then you should enter into your browser.
Once the dashboard log-in screen appears, enter the following credentials:
Username: Admin
Password: ZeroKey_Admin1

Edit Profile
To edit your profile, you must already be logging in the dashboard. Navigate to the ZeroKey icon at the top right corner of the page and click Profile. In this page, you can edit your profile photo, email address, name, phone number, and password. Click Cancel to discard changes or Submit to save changes.
Logging Out
To log out of the dashboard, navigate to the same icon and click Log Out.