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Getting the IP Address of your Edge Compute Device

Before you can access the ZeroKey dashboard, you need to connect to the Edge Compute Device (ECD). When using the ECD’s AP Mode, it uses the default hosting IP address However, if you want to connect the ECD to your network using an Ethernet cable, you can check the IP address once the ECD is connected.

AP Mode Instructions

  1. Turn on the ECD.

  2. Connect your PC to the ECD’s Wi-Fi network:

    • SSID: “QuantumRTLS” followed by the ECD’s serial number.

    • Password: “zerokeypilotkit

  3. Verify the IP address:

    • The default hosting IP address is

    • You can confirm this IP address by connecting a display to the ECD.

Connect to a Display - AP Mode

Power on the ECD and connect a display using an HDMI cable.

The default AP Mode IP address will be shown on the screen in green text.


Ethernet Mode Instructions

  1. Connect the ECD to your network using an Ethernet cable.

  2. The ECD will automatically switch to Ethernet Mode.

  3. Confirm the new hosting IP address.

Connect to a Display - Ethernet Mode

Power on the ECD and connect a display using an HDMI cable.

The IP address will be shown on the screen in green text.


Log In

Please disregard the log-in prompt, as this is only used by ZeroKey support.

For instructions on accessing the ZeroKey dashboard, refer to our help article Logging into the ZeroKey Dashboard.

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