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Edge vs Cloud Connection to the ZeroKey ECD

The ECD Edge URL and ECD Cloud URL offer two different modes of connecting to the ZeroKey Edge Compute Device (ECD).

Connection Types


  • Users can connect via the Edge URL to access the ECD over the Local Area Network (LAN). This type of connection may offer lower latency and faster response times.  

  • The following URL is the example of the Edge URL:


  • Users can connect via the cloud URL when the ECD is exposed to the internet. This type may produce slightly higher latency than an edge connection.

  • The following URL is the example of the Cloud URL:

ECD Connection Details

To view or copy the URL’s along with the ECD serial number and hardware identifier, you must first log in to dashboard. Read our help article Logging into the ZeroKey Dashboard for instructions.

Once you’re logged in, navigate to the System dropdown on the left side of the screen and click on the Information tab. Here, you’ll see the details for the ECD including the URL’s. An example is shown below:


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